Discovering and choosing healthy food and lifestyle choices can help keep your body and mind healthy, fuel your success, and improve your overall well-being.

Empowering healthy consumers, a priority objective of our Be Well. Do Well.TM sustainability plan, reinforces our commitment to not only providing tasty healthy options but also fostering a culture of health and wellness.

Our health and wellness program includes a healthy menu strategy, as well as nutrition and other wellness initiatives that promote and support healthy lifestyles.

Our programming focuses on these so-called 4 Es:

  • Enable a food environment that encourages health and well-being by offering a variety of healthy choices every day
  • Educate, inform and empower the communities we serve by providing evidence-based nutrition and wellness information
  • Encourage a heightened level of interest and excitement about healthy and local choices
  • Engage a community that actively participates in and is connected to a culture of health and wellness


Our Registered Dietitian

Welcome! My name is Elizabeth Muggah, and I am the dietitian with Dalhousie Food Services at the Halifax Campus. I support students living in the Dalhousie residence community navigate our food service spaces. I am passionate about food and nutrition and I’m here to help students have safe, healthy, and delicious meals in our dining halls.

I support a variety of activities within the Dalhousie Food Services team, including ensuring accurate menu information is available, supporting the food service team with safety initiatives, running student wellness events, supporting sustainability activities, and providing one-on-one nutrition support to the students dining with us.

My primary role is to provide nutrition support and guidance to those using our food establishments on campus. Students with a meal plan are welcome to book an appointment with myself to discuss your nutrition goals and concerns. I can support you in navigating:


-Eating a balanced diet while living in residence

-Managing Allergies and intolerances

-Managing nutrition related chronic illnesses

-Nutrition for athletic performance

-Dining with religious or cultural considerations

-Nutrition solutions for university and residence life

-Residence dining menu questions


Any concerns with your experience in our meal halls You can book an appointment with myself via email ( or by using the following link: General questions can be submitted via the email above.


See you in the dining halls,


Elizabeth Muggah, MSc, RD


Dietitian, Dalhousie Food Services (Halifax Campus) 902-304-7984